I’m taking the ESP32 course. I’m on webservers. Trying to do the first part of putting bme280 readings on webpage. I’ve loaded the adafruit bme280 library. I’ve loaded the adafruit_sensor library. When i upload the bme280test sketch, the serial monitor tells me that an I2C device can’t be found. When I run I2C scanner the serial monitor says I2C device found at 0x76 which is the address in the sketch. I’ve changed out to another BME280, no success. Any thoughts?
Hi: I’m taking the ESP course and I’m the section where you use the BME280 and a web server. I’ve loaded the sketch and the serial monitor tells me that they can’t find the BME280. I ran the I2C scanner and it found it at 0x76 so I assume I have it wired correctly. I’m trying to run the BME280test sketch. I assumed that you could change the address in the code but I don’t see how. Any help? I’ve entered the 0x76 address in the status = bme.begin(0x76); and it says I have a bad address.
You can change the address in the code in that line:
status = bme.begin(0x76)
However, if you run the I2C scanner sketch and it found the 0x76 address, you don’t need to change anything in the code.
It shouldn’t also be a problem with the sensor. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have found the address.
Do you have more details about your issue? Otherwise, it is very difficult to find out what might be wrong.
Can you show me a picture of your sensor? Are you sure it is a BME280 sensor? There are very similar sensors that are, in fact, a BMP180.
Hello Sara:
You are right about the sensor. I found with the help of William Lucid that I had a BMP instead of a BME. William directed me to a site with a different library and it found the chip to be the BMP. Thank you so much for your help as well on other issues. I hate to be a pain but I do enjoy learning this new material at my age of 78. Have a great day.