I am lost trying to find the tutorial that involved an esp32/BME280/MQTT/NODE-RED. I thought is was in one of the courses that I have but I just can’t seem to locate it. I have two courses regarding the esp32 but I can’t find the material I am looking for. I am beginning to think that I may have used a link that was in one of those two courses. The system used the BME280 and four leds and then created a node-red ui with four switches to control the leds. The ui also included four gauges to display the results of the sensors. I think it also went on to cover the use of Cloudflare as I also created the system to make it useable from anywhere. Can you help me locate that tutorial?
I don’t have much hair left to pull out
That is the Smart Home eBook.
It creates a project like that.
Thank you for getting me back on track. I had looked so hard for that data that “I couldn’t see the forest for the trees”. But I found it in section 5.4. I now have everything playing .