The procedure for Installing the ESP32 Board in Arduino given in “Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE Course” assumes that Windows 10 is being used. Are there any differences if my operating system is Windows 7? I am using Arduino IDE 1.84 and I can’t get “DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1” to show up in Tools>Board.
Hi James,
According to the official documentation the ESP32 add-on is only fully tested with Windows 10, but I’ve tried the exact same procedure and ti works with Windows 7 too. To follow the instructions, you need to use the latest version of the Arduino IDE 1.8.5. Can you uninstall your version and download the latest version?
I’ve also updated very recently the online instructions for installing the add-on on Windows. Can you try these new instructions?
I answered my own question. In the hardware > expressif > esp32 > tools folder, there are several .exe files. You have to click on each of them. I hope this helps someone else.