I need a recommendation for a good USB cable to use with my ESP32 and my ESP2866 processors. The only reliable cable I have is the short one that came with my BBC micro:bit. My other cables are cheep ones which work sometime and for some reason sometimes I can’t upload. Thanks.
So far I need to test them to see how much current they can handle, bu the tester is on the way.
My samsung galaxy tab charges up really fast so I guess they sustain somehow a high current pass
I have been using the RAMPOW for almost one year under heavy abuse and still holds strong
and I have been using the cablematters sparse only in my travel bag but they are also holding ok
Hope it helps
Hi Gloria,
You are definitely right, I have some bad USB cables that either are very short or have a weak connection resulting in code uploading failure and frequent power issues. I’ve never bought any USB cables, because I was able to salvage some good USB cables from old phone chargers.
Make sure you get a USB cable that has data pins (for example, some power banks USB-C cables only have power wires, so you can’t upload code).
I’ve never tried the Anker USB-C cables, but I’ve heard good things about these: https://amzn.to/2uWlUNd