Dear Rui and Sara,
Thank you for all the nice tutorials and help you offer.
I installed Node-Red on my RaspberryPi. I installed the Neopixels node in Node-Red (rpi-NeoPixels) and I attached the WS2812B to my Raspi and all works perfect. That is your tutorial Node-Red with WS2812B Addressabel RGB LED strip
The problem is that I want to physically separate the Raspberry Pi and the Led string. But they are physically attached. So I decided to attach the WS2812B to a NodeMCU and connect it through MQTT to my NodeRed website on the Raspi. But then I can’t use the rpi-Neopixels node.
Is there a solution for this problem?
I hope I could express myself to make clear what my problem is.
Thank you so much for the helping hand.
Kind regards,
Yvonne de Vries
Hello Yvonne, you need to write custom code to create an ESP8266 (NodeMCU) MQTT Client that receives the MQTT messages from Node-RED to control the neopixels strip.
Basically, that Node-RED nodes (rpi-neopixels) only works with neopixels directly connected to your RPi.