Just bought 2 new son off basic from Amazon. Both had a esp8285 chip set. Any info what can be done with these new chip set? Can you get some gpo pins off of this?
Which firmware do you plan to flash them with? With Tasmotta or with a custom Arduino code?
I’ve never flashed those devices with ESP8285, but it should work with this setting in the Arduino IDE in the Tools menu:
- Board: Generic ESP8285 Module
- Flash Mode DOUT
Really do not know which would be the best firmware to use. Arduino could be used. What I want to do is take this sonoff basic and break it on a small extension cord with 3 wires. I want to add a temp sensor to the sonoff so I can read temp inside of the my hot-tub shell. I just had a major freeze up on my hot tub so I want to try to prevent this. Then put a very small heater inside where all the piping is run. So I need to find a pin I can use to put the temp sensor on.