I’m using Thonny 3.3.6 as IDE. After flashing main.py to my NodeMCU V3 with micropython flashed on it, i can’t access the device any longer with thonny. gives error : Device is busy or does not respond. Your options:- wait until it completes current work; – use Ctrl+C to interrupt current work; – use Stop/Restart to interrupt more and enter REPL. This happens all the time. After erasing + reflashing Micropython, I can use the board again. I heard something this can happen when sleep cmd is used ?
Hi Ivo.
When you say you can’t access the device, what do you mean exactly?
You can’t access it to run and upload new code or to see the messages printed?
Can you try to explain your issue better?
I have kind of same problem.
With ESPTOOL I can erase flash and flash new bin to my ESP8266, so I have contact, but from Thonny, the only result I get is:
Device is busy or does not respond. Your options:
– wait until it completes current work;
– use Ctrl+C to interrupt current work;
– use Stop/Restart to interrupt more and enter REPL.
Kind regards
I just tested it, and it is working fine for me.
Can you provide more details?
- What’s the MicroPython firmware version that you are using?
- What’s the ESP8266 board you’re using?
- What’s the version of Thonny IDE that you are using?
When I have this problem, it seems that resetting the module, a NodeMCU V3 board, by unplugging it from my laptop, solves the problem : after resetting the >>> micropython prompt appears. Pushing the Resetbutton on the board itself gives no solution in my case. Sometimes hitting the Thonny STOP backend button a FEW TIMES and patiently wait, the >>> prompt appeared.
To Nicolas : I did not have success using EspTools. Instead, I used NodeMCU-PyFlasher-4.0-x64.exe and flashed the esp8266-20210418-v1.15.bin to the board. If you start the Flasher, options 115200 for speed and DIO already selected. Use the erase option. Wipes all data. Good luck.
I’m not sure why you’re getting that issue.
It works straight away in my case.
You may want to experiment with other IDEs and see if you have the same result. We have tutorials for uPycraft and VS Code + PyMakr:
- https://randomnerdtutorials.com/install-upycraft-ide-windows-pc-instructions/
- https://randomnerdtutorials.com/micropython-esp32-esp8266-vs-code-pymakr/
Hi and thanks for all support and suggestions !
What’s the MicroPython firmware version that you are using?
I have tried with several different, from v1.12 to 1.15
What’s the ESP8266 board you’re using?
I have several boards, all works fine except a NodeMCU v3
What’s the version of Thonny IDE that you are using?
I have tried with Thonny 3.3.5 on a Linux Mint and 3.3.6 on a Raspberry
PyFlasher seems to require Windows, I’ll see if I can find a suitable Win-PC
Trying uPyCraft results in:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “uPyCraft.py”, line 2, in <module>
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/PyInstaller/loader/pyimod03_importers.py”, line 714, in load_module
ImportError: /tmp/_MEI2yTOx7/libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.9′ not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpng16.so.16)
[2281] Failed to execute script uPyCraft
I think it’s strange that I can flash the board, it’s not totally bricked, but it’s “busy” when Thonny tries to connect
Kind Regards
I’m using a Windows computer. So, I’m not familiar with possible issues with other operating systems.
If the board is busy, it may be that your computer opens a serial connection with the board in the background, so you cannot upload code.
It may also happen that your board is “available” in more than one serial port, which causes issues too. Take a look at the device manager (or similar on Linux) and try to figure out if that’s the case.
I think I have tried almost everything. I also tested with “ampy” from Adafruit, and that works well to upload and run scripts, but then tested with Thony again, and seems to have “bricked” one more ESP8266.
However, I have more cards….and now I got my first real micropython application ready, I guess to two bricked cards is “money for learning”…
Thanks so far, I’ll be back with another question regarding the Webserver 🙂