Can I integrate wifiManager ( by tzapu) into the Smart Home BME280 example?
I tried it but I can not handle the wifi communication as it is integrated into the MQTT commands
Any suggestion how to use WifiManager as it give great advantage by sending additional parameters to the ESP32 at connection setup and can handle wifi setup through a web page rather than hard coding the wifi credentials
Can you be a little more specific about the dificulties you’re facing trying to combine both examples?
Is there a way to substitute WiFi.h and use the WifiManager?
Rephrase my question is there a way to alter the program (Smart Home Pg182 ESP32 code) so Wifi SSID and Password could be entered (on a web page in an access point mode of ESP32 ) any future time so the program would be portable across different networks. No need for hard coding SSID and PW
WifiManager has the capability to connect the ESP32 to any network but the Wifi.h functions your program uses are not compatible with it.
I am looking for a solution to enter SSID PW without hard coding it into the program on the ES32
I haven’t tried that library with our code. When you say it is not compatible, what happens exactly?
We have a project in which we create a WiFiManager from scratch using the AsyncWebServer library. I haven’t tried it using it with MQTT, but I think it should work with a few modifications. However, you need to take a bit of time to understand how the code works and how to modify it with for your own needs.
Here’s a link to the project: