I recently tried to modify a working flow and in the process I made some error that I can not figure out. This flow is from your course on the esp32 and has worked for some time, One of the issues is one that I recall from a year ago regarding the adding of some text and color adjustments to the U/I. I accidently found the answer to the issue and of course I didn’t document it to allow me to find it again. In the image BOX1, you can see that I lost the subtitle in the pressure gauge “BOX1/bme280/pressure” and I just can’t recall how I put it in there the first time. On that same image, notice that the time frame of the chart is two hours and that is not what I set on dashboard settings page. That same type error also occurs on the BOX 2 image. On the BOX2 image the time frame appears to be twenty four hours. On this image there is a problem with the same subtitle. These titles are the actual “topic” from the MQTT messages. On this image, I need to change the “esp” to read BOX2 in all three places. The other issue on this image is the loss of the input data to the gauge. The data appears to be there in the chart below. I checked all the topics/messages but can not find any errors. Also note that this is the place where the time frame appears to be 24 hours. What is the best way to send you the json file? Do I just paste it into the Pastebin page or can I email it to you?
Thanks for your assistance
I’m currently out of the office so I can’t test that.
But, I think you can find that on the charts nodes.
If you check the charts nodes, you’ll find a lot of options for costumization, and I think you can give a name to the series. Can you show me how your chart node looks like?
Sara, In digging further into this issue, I have found the real problem to be a lack of real understanding as to how NR works. The trouble started when I renamed one my flows to match changes I was making in the whole project. What I have here are two containers that I use to store 3D print filament. I built two esp32 devices with bme280 sensors, one for each container. I changed the topic in one of them to match the other one. Prior to doing this name change, both devices were working. I think my images had shown that they were indeed working. So I set about to make the topics similar e.g., BOX1 and BOX2. I made the changes in the firmware of the devices and in the nodes and this is where the trouble started. Two groups , BOX1 and BOX2, were established but I soon found out that things were happening that I had no idea about. The gauges and charts were showing up in the right hand panel and some of them were in there multiple times. I just don’t have the basic understanding of the system and many times I was unable to repeat some of the displays that I was getting because I could not recall what I had done to get there. And it is far from intuitive. Even though it appeared that both flows were working, I was also surprised when I never was able to find any data from BOX2 showing up in the “debug” window.
For the time being, please just put this on the back burner while I play some with it. I found another major issue as I learned there was a second flow called flow one. I suspect that I created that when I copied my original flow to try and start over fresh, but I also believe that is what caused all unknown instances in the right hand pane. I have also discovered the “TIPS” window in the lower right hand corner of the main page.
I will write back when I have some more input. If you get the chance please tell me how to send the .json file to you so that you can see what I have gotten myself into.
Then, let me know.
You can copy the content of the json file to github and share a link to it. Or you can also use pastebin.
Please note that at the moment I’m out of the office and I don’t have access to my RPi or Node.-RED. But I can take a look at it when I come back.
Sara, Here is some new information regarding the issue. The hardware in this case was built as my version from the ESP32 Smarthome course. The device in BOX1 is an esp32 mini with a bme280 and I2C display. The unit on BOX2 is a full size esp32 doit devkit. Just like the course. It also has four leds as well as some code for the simple esp32cam module. There are NO cameras involved at this time. I have included two new images of the current situation. I managed to find the errors involving the pressure chart issue on BOX1.
The issue right now is that there does not seem to be a connection to the server from the esp32 in BOX2 as shown by the blank page. The device is talking to NodeRed however as it is the one that controls the four leds that work as advertised. Also, no data from BOX2 ever shows up in the “debug” mode.
Take your time on this. I have spent so much time on it that I am tired of looking at it, Thar usually means that I am looking right over some simple mistake.
The most probably issue is that the MQTT nodes for the BOX2 are not connected to the broker or are subscribed to the wrong topics.
Do you see a “connected” message under your MQTT nodes?
Sara, You were absolutely right about the error. I learned that I could see the data for the BOX2 issue on the serial monitor so knew the problem was in the NR input and that is where I found a letter missing in the topic. If nothing else, I had a great time learning things about NR that I would not have seen elsewhere. I didn’t realize how many different things could be accessed through the right hand panel just by double clicking on the name or also the numbers. A whole new world is available there and I am trying to find a guide that would make it easier to find. Sometimes just searching for something isn’t the answer if you don’t have the correct terminology. For example, I am now trying to find how to set the color of the little rectangle that appears to the left of the legend in the chart nodes.
But the system is now working. Now I can continue to refine it