Working through smart home with raspberry pi esp32 and esp8266.Trying to get messaging working with telegram
and I get the following error when injecting a message.
Caught exception in sender node: Error: ETELEGRAM: 400 Bad Request: chat not found when processing message: {"_msgid":"3619cf432a08abf2","payload":{"chatId":"Replaced with my id","type":"message","content":"Node-RED is working","options":{"chat_id":"Replaced with my id","text":"Node-RED is working"}}}
Have double and tripple checked userid chatidand token (Cut and pasted all)
Cheers Mal
Can you show me a printscreen of your Telegram nodes? and their settings?
I dont seem to be able to paste an image into this text box and if I click on IMG it asks for a URL.
I am also not realy happy about making this data public can I send you a PM
To paste an image upload your picture to google drive or other image clodud server like imgur, for example, and then, share a link to the picture.
inject node
From those screenshots everything seems fine.
Can you show me the inject node main menu (not with the edit JSON window)?
Everything seems fine.
I can’t see why it’s not working. Can you create the flow from the start?
Can you export the nodes of that flow? So that I can take a better look?
I’m currently out of the office, I’ll only be able to take a look at it next Wednesday.
Hi. I had a similar ‘chat not found’ error when trying to inject messages. After a lot of frustration, I eventually resolved the issue by initiating a chat on the configured Bot within the Telegram application on my phone – simply typed a message in the bot window and sent it – after the chat existed all worked ok
Hope this helps
Thanks Andy that was the problem You are a champion. Sara good ideato add this to the steps in your book unless I mssed it of course.
Hi again.
I’m so sorry for that. My bot already had a conversation, so it never occurred to me that could be an issue.
I’ll definitely add that to the eBook.
Thanks for your patience.
I’ll mark this issue as resolved. If you need further help, you just need to open a new question in our forum.