I have an up and running Home Security app based on RN Home Automation System. I can not logon to Node-Red using Chrome Browser. This project has been operational for more than two years. When the IP address is entered I get error “refused to connect”. I can logon (using SSH) to the Host Raspberry Pi using the same IP address. My trouble shooting includes reinstall Raspbian Lite and Node Red on the RasPi. The before and after reinstallation action being exactly the same, Node-Red will not open in the browser. I have a second Raspberry with Octo Print and any browser will open the OctoPrint. I guessing Widows 10 and Brower update may be related as this past August I was able to connect to Node-Red.
I have tried Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Goggle Chrome. They all return a blank page with the error message “refused to connect” when the IP address for the Raspberry Pi is entered in the Browser’s address bar.
Are those browsers on the same network as the Raspberry Pi?
Are you using a Wi-Fi repeater or something like that?
Remember this worked mid August 2022. The ESP sensor module (DIY) is on WiFi extender. At the system level my senor package is linked to the Raspberry Pi as the senor is reporting the status of garage door latches. I can no longer access the Node Red UI.
All computers are on the local area network, some are WiFi while main windows 10 is on either net cable. These computers were tried; Window 10 desktop, Chrome, Edge, FireFox, Desktop running UBUNTU, Chrome, old Window 10 Laptop Chrome, even tried Samsung Tablet Chrome. They all act the same. The common thing is Raspberry Pi Node Red page not opening. Also McAfee may be common in all my devices.
That’s weird that it has stopped working suddenly.
I don’t know what might be causing the issue.
I recommend that you try to post an issue on the Node-RED forum: https://discourse.nodered.org/
Maybe someone has faced a similar issue…
I’m sorry that I can’t help much.