Everywhere it says ” for more info on subject, look in the … course..”,, But then it links to the my course page, where I only see my esp32 course,
Which links are you talking about? can you post a link example that you can’t access? Thanks!
Then, scroll down and you can click the download link for the “Build a Home Automation System for $100” course.
Thanks for reading,
Click here to get started or go to this link: https://rntlab.com/courses.Click here to get started or go to this link: https://rntlab.com/courses.https://rntlab.com/surveillance-camera-with-picamera-and-node-red
but, there is only my course.I know you have more. I just do not get to see them.
In all links to courses in the blogs it works the same.
When logged out, I get them all. just not when logged in.