I have an issue setting up the IDE. Have gone through all the procedures and loaded drivers for CP210x USB to UART Bridge. I have tried numerous USB cables and still do not see the port.
The board I am using is the Node MCU 32S and I am using a Macbook pro.
I have also made sure the installation is permitted in the System Settings. Following the instructions from Silicon labs I do not see /dev/tty.wchusbserial or similar.
So not sure what the problem is.
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you David. I’ve just replied to your comment in another thread: https://rntlab.com/question/port-not-enabled-in-ide/ and I see that you already found the answer for this problem.
Thanks for letting me know.
David said in another post: “I initially had problems with serial port but now have solved that when I saw it was being blocked in Security settings. I now see the SLAB port fine.”