I am trying to control a DFPlayer Mini with a DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1
I need to use an input box to enter a number from 1 to about 314
preferably using a method that doesn’t refresh the web page each time like a web-socket connection.
Once I have the variable available to the esp32 code the rest is easy. can you help?
HAve you taken a look at our websocket tutorial ? https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-websocket-server-arduino/
Instead of sending a “ON” message you would send a number.
I also have this tutorial that has an input field for a number and uses websocket:
You need to check which parts of that code are relevant for your scenario.
I hope this helps.
Thank you Sara
I found that tutorial last night after I sent you that message. I think it will show me what I need to get this accomplished.
You’re so helpful what a great WEB site your have.