Hi, was wondering if you had given anything to adding an Oled display with serial display of say temp and humidity ??
I am working on a remote temperature / humidity sensor using a ESP8266 ( following your course ) and thought it would be nice to not only send the readings back the a Raspberry Pi for prepossessing and control of heating system but also display them on a .96 inch display
( http://www.aliexpress.com/item/0-96-inch-White-OLED-Module-SSD1306-Drive-IC-128-64-I2C-IIC-Communication/32615865570.html ) is the one I am planning to use.
Hi Ben,
Thanks for the request and that’s a great idea, there is a great library your can use with that OLED display with the ESP8266 programmed in the Arduino IDE,
Here’s the library: https://github.com/klarsys/esp8266-OLED
Here’s a code example: https://github.com/klarsys/esp8266-OLED/blob/master/example/example.ino
So, you just need to add that library and lines of code to dislplay the temperature in the OLED display, but keeping the MQTT connection to Node-RED as I show in the course
I hope this helps,