I have several displays, but not the one shown in Unit 4 “ESP32 BLE Server and Client”.
In fact the one pictured is not exactly the same as the one linked to the ebay store (one has SCK, the other SCL). So what are the different pinout labels (SCL, SDA, SCK, CLK, DIN, DOUT, MOSI, MISO, SCLK, DC, CE), and which perform the same function?
My display doesn’t have SCK or SCL, but shows CLK. Are these the same? Is SDA the same as DIN? Do you have to declare what type comm is used (SPI, I2C, UART, PCM)?
Will any OLED display work with the unit projects, or are they specific to certain applications? And would an LCD ever work in place of an OLED, or do they require entirely different libraries and sketches?
The LCD and the OLED require different libraries. So, the LCD will not work with the OLED code.
There are OLED displays with different communication protocols and a different code should be used depending on the communication protocol you’re using.
In most of our projects, we use I2C communication protocol (it’s the easiest to use).
Can you send me a link showing your OLED display? I don’t think that CLK and SCL are the same, but take a look at your OLED product page to see which protocols your OLED supports.
Here is a link to the display: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zv6w41x7nnwgwl3/AAA49bYSUlnHJ5pQsi8I5yzba?dl=0
I also received the display listed in the instructions and all is working fine.