Hi Rui, Sara, and Everyone.
SORRY for this kind of request. I need to leave my log cabin in rural Vermont USA for several months as I now am going to Egypt to follow my wife who is librarian at an international school in Cairo. I plan to teach some electricity / electronics to refugee kids from Sudan. Wow.
Cabin has a backup propane furnace that keeps the pipes from freezing.
I have had a remote control/monitoring setup using Cayenne from MyDevices.com, I wrote this example of that system using Arduino. See:
Arduino-Project-Home-Monitor-Control – ArduinoInfo (mywikis.net)
BUT MyDevices just announced that their Cayenne system is shutting down end of September. OUCH!!
I have bought most of the RandomNerd books. UserID: TerryKing
Please help me decide what approach to take on a system for my cabin home. I have:
— ESP32 and Arduino boards
— Installed DS18B20 sensors and relays that control furnace mode and two 5KW electrical backup heaters.
— Usual Electronics stuff, tools,
— Starlink Wifi internet access. Web space and unused domain names on Hostgator
I’m looking at the many online articles like
Control ESP32 and ESP8266 GPIOs from Anywhere in the World | Random Nerd Tutorials
DIY Cloud Weather Station with ESP32 or ESP8266 | Random Nerd Tutorials
I have the ebook “Build_Web_Servers_ESP32_ESP8266_V2_2”
and most of the rest of The Santos stuff…
What is your opinion of the best approach to get something working quickly??
IsThere a way of reusing the Arduino 328 based system I have to serve / control things? It’s on wired internet.
But I’d love to use the ESP32 things I have, Like:
Esp32 – ArduinoInfo (mywikis.net) I worked with the developer a bit on this….
OK. Breathe. Read. Prototype.
I appreciate suggestions and comments. I need to get started..
THANKS to Rui and Sara for all the great work and communications!
Regards, Terry King…In The Woods In Vermont
The one who dies with the most Parts LOSES! WHAT DO YOU NEED??
I have tentatively decided to base on “https://randomnerdtutorials.com/cloud-weather-station-esp32-esp8266”
as my critical need to view termperature in my cabin home in Vermont while I am living/teaching in Egypt. Leave in 1 week… THANKS! Terry
You can use that project as a base.
I also suggest taking a look at our Firebase projects. You can log the data into Firebase database which you can access from anywhere. You can check the data by accessing your Firebase console from anywhere. Then, you can build your own web app to display the data as you like (if you don’t have the time, you don’t need to build your web app. just use the Firebase dashboard).
Another alternative is to log your readings on InfluxDB database (using the cloud version) and you’ll be able to access the database from anywhere to check the readings and you can also build your own charts quickly to display data.
If you have our “Smart Home” course take a quick look at the chapters. We build a system based on Node-RED, InfluxDB, and ESP32 boards. We mostly use the Raspberry Pi as a host for the Node-RED and InfluxDB, but we also show alternatives on how to do everything on the cloud that you can access from anywhere using your own domain name.
I hope this helps.
Dear Sara,
I will use “cloud weather station” as the base so I can get something running ASAP. I have a Bluehost account set up. I will run as https://seecabin.com
I have experimented with the Node-RED, InfluxDB, and ESP32 boards part of your Smart Home book and got that running. But I don’t want to add a RaspberryPi to the mix now,
Starting with Cloud Weather Station, what is the best example of adding controls for some I-O bits??
I appreciate how much you and Rui have done to enable so many to get things working. I am working with a teacher at a school in Cairo to bring some electronics / CS things to kids they have in their school who are refugees from Sudan. I will travel to Egypt in one week and bring some ESP32 and arduino kits with me. I may have other questions when I actually get some things started there. My wife Mary Alice runs libraries at an international school in Cairo and she has done a lot of Arduino stuff with me over the years.. and her job makes it possible for me to live/work in Egypt.
OK, I’ll start uploading your code…. Best Regards, Terry King
Hi again.
You don’t necessarily need a Raspberry Pi.
You can do everything in the cloud (but I only have tutorials for digital ocean):
- Node-RED: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/access-node-red-dashboard-anywhere-digital-ocean/
- MQTT broker: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/cloud-mqtt-mosquitto-broker-access-anywhere-digital-ocean/
Similar to that project, we have the following to control the GPIOs: