Rui and Sara good night, I hope you are well, a greeting from Colombia, a question: among all such excellent things could you help me where can I follow information about a web server with easpberry pi? turn on a led with php, html. thanks
Hi Luis,
Take a look at these articles:
- Controlling a LED on a Raspberry Pi with PHP
- How to Control an LED with Raspberry Pi Webserver using Apache
The implementation is very simple. You should get out of it easily 😉
Hi Luis.
We have very few tutorials with the Raspberry Pi. (we’ll start creating more RPi tutorials soon)
This is the only tutorial we have about web server with the RPi:
Raspberry Pi Web Server using Flask to Control GPIOs
Take a look at the resources suggested by Stéphane – those are a good starting point and probably more focused on what you want to build.