I was able to upload the Hello World of the Web Server Course however, I’m bruising my skull against a wall on the SPIFFS example. 1.2. Questions- 1. the search for ESPASYNCSERVER libraries yields two choices ,, the one by goshok and the one by ESPHOME. Which, if either is correct? 2. The platformio.ini only shows the ESPASYNCSERVER library but the main.cpp shows many? when should they match and when not?
3. in the early lesson we downloaded the BME280 library as an exercise. Should I be downloading each of the libraries shown in the sketch through the PLATFORMIO project manager OR can I download them on the Arduino IDE(2.2.1, MAC OS)? 4. I am receiving this message of a lot missing. Is that because I have not downloaded the correct libraries?https://imgur.com/EsP8i7t
http://examples/espidf-storage-spiffsI have partially resolved my issue. 1. I can successfully run the program and Spiffs is recognized when when I used the fix with the GitHub link. Did not work with the @3.5.0 suffix. I totally could not use the fix for changing the Authentication file mentioned in the error message(one of the three fixes suggested) Would appreciate help in understanding the steps to implement that fix.
I did find the link fix in the ESPAsync library
platform = espressif…
board = …
framework = arduino
# using the latest stable version
lib_deps = ESP Async WebServer
# or using GIT Url (the latest development version)
lib_deps = https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer.git
So I understand how you derived that fix.
2. Am I correct to understand that if a library is in the Arduino IDE, then as long as the framework in VSCode is <arduino> then we don’t have to reload it but instead it is sort of globally available? And just have to list the library that we have in the Arduino IDE in the platformio.ini file?
(P.S. I also tried using
platform = espressif32 @ ^6.0.1 in PlatformioIO without success.)
3. I found in https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif32
a spiffs “storage ” library “espidf-storage-spiffs”
Is this relevant or something to stay away from?
You just need to follow the instructions on the eBook and everything should work. We mention when you need to install a library.
Including the library in the platformio.ini file usually automatically installs that library for the project you’re working on. So, when following the eBook, simply copy the contents of the platformio.ini file that we provide. We provide the platformio.ini file for all projects.
When a library is available as default in the ESP32 core (when you can use it without installing it in the Arduino IDE), you don’t need to install it, or include it in the plaformio.ini file. It is globally available.
Just follow the steps on the eBook, you don’t need to search for other libraries not mentioned. Try to follow the project again as it is. Tell me if you get any issue and at what step exactly.