I have a little problem with the program. I try the second program with the bme280 and two wemos d1 r1. I take care to name my Mesh network and my mesh passwords too. moreover I change the id for my two boards, that is to say 1 and 2. the compilation is done without error.
the message i have on the two serial ports is:
setLogLevel: ERROR | STARTUP |
STARTUP: init (): 1
STARTUP: AP tcp server established on port 5555
and nothing else. I tried with platformio and I have another problem that I will tell you about later so as not to mix things up
Are there a few things that I haven’t done or something that I should do
Hi Michel.
Do you have another board to experiment with besides the wemos board?
Bonjour Sara,
j’ai fait quelques tests. Tout d’abord, j’ai pris votre programme tel quel sans changer les mots de passe mais en changeant l’identifiant. Tout fonctionne avec wemos, NodeMcu et esp32 et mixé aussi. Par contre quand je mets le nom de MESH_prefix …. jardin et mot de passe cecile. Et là, j’ai eu le même problème qu’au début
setLogLevel: ERROR | STARTUP |
DEMARRAGE: init (): 1
DEMARRAGE: serveur tcp AP établi sur le port 5555
Pourriez-vous essayer ceci s’il vous plaît
Merci pour votre aide et aider toute la communauté comme vous le faites
Bonjour Sara
Voici ce qui m’arrive lorsque je compile le programme avec platformio. lorsque je compile le programme. Voici également une image de mon fichier .ini.
Voici mon fichier platform.ini
[env: d1]
plateforme = espressif8266
pension = d1
cadre = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
lib_deps =
Adafruit / Adafruit Unified Sensor@^1.1.4
adafruit / Adafruit BME280 Library@^2.1.2
et mon erreur
mesh / .pio / libdeps / d1 / painlessMesh / src / painlessmesh / ota.hpp “,
” owner “:” cpp “,
” severity “: 4,
” message “:” ‘SPIFFS’ est obsolète (déclaré à C: \\ Users \\ miche \\. Platformio \\ packages \\ framework-arduinoespressif8266 \\ cores \\ esp8266 / FS.h: 269): SPIFFS est obsolète. Veuillez envisager de passer à LittleFS ou à d’autres systèmes de fichiers. [-Wdeprecated-declarations] “,
” startLineNumber “: 310,
” startColumn “: 3,
” endLineNumber “: 310,
” endColumn “: 3
Et si je clique sur l’erreur ici fait partie du fichier
IFFS.begin (true ); //
Démarre le système de fichiers Flash SPI #else
SPIFFS.begin ();
fichier auto = SPIFFS.open (currentFW-> ota_fn, “r”);
Tout ce qui concerne les spiffs est faux
Tank pour votre aide
Hi Michel.
I have little knowledge about French. So, even after using translator, it is a bit difficult to understand what you mean.
To solve your SPIFFS problem, replace all “SPIFFS” with “LittleFS” in your code.
Additionally, add the following line in your platformio.ini file:
board_build.filesystem = littlefs
I’m sorry, but I didn’t understand your first response.
Hello Sara,
First of all, excuse me for the message in French that I sent you.
So for my problem, I found out what was wrong. Quite simply, it was necessary to keep the word MESH in the password and in the network name as well.
#define MESH_PREFIX ”michelMESH” // name of your MESH
#define MESH_PASSWORD ”MESH1234” // password for your MESH
On the other hand, if we delete them
#define MESH_PREFIX ”michel” // name of your MESH
#define MESH_PASSWORD ”1234“ // password for your MESH
there is an error like
setLogLevel: ERROR | STARTUP |
START: init (): 1
STARTING: tcp AP server established on port 5555
and nothing else happens.
Again thank you for your help.
Hello again
I have worked with 3 wemos, 1 esp32 and a nodemcu. Everything works wonderfully.
You can close this request.
Thank you
Weird. It does not make sense . I did several tests by removing MESS and putting it back with the network name and password. And every time I put it on it didn’t work and taking it off it worked. It’s so weird. Is it me who …..
Yes, it is very weird.
Maybe it is related with the number of characters and not with the word “MESH” itself.
Hello Sara
You are right. I put the same number of characters and it works.
Thanks again for your help.
You can close this question