Hi everyone,
I am currently doing the webservers course. I am using a firebeetle esp32-E v1.0 for my project.
I did with no problem the excercise number 1.1 and I am able to connect to my IP to see the webpage.
The problem that I am currently facy is about with the other excercises where I have to build filesystem image buid and upload. I created the folder data with the proper files (just copy and paste the file from the materials that you shared with the course). All seems to work properly: the esp connects to my virtual wifi (created with the wifi hotspot of dekstop pc) I can see the serial messages with the ip and after “SPIFFS mounted successfully”. After if I try either to connect with my dekstop browser or with my phone connected to the wifi hotspot and point to the ip I am not able to see the web page. Any Suggestions? Thanks in advance for your response,