I am working with ESP32 and BLE conexion, it works very well, but I have some problems with DS18B20.
If I compile my program with BLEdevice created, the reads of temperature sensor work with some errors, I can read -127 several times. ¿¿??
If I compile the sketch without this part of the program, I can read the temperature without any problem.
¿Could you help me please?.
Thanks in advance.
I’m not sure what might be wrong…
What GPIO are you using for the sensor? Did you try using different GPIOs?
Maybe BLE interferes with the GPIO you’re using?
Hi Sara, many thanks for your fast answer.
The GPIO that I´m using is GPIO32, to read 4 DS18B20 sensors.
I´m not sure if there is interferences, but, if I comment in the sketch the code where I init BLEServer the temperature reads are without problems in oposite case I have sometimes -127 data in the reads of sensors, but not continuously.