I purchased a package of BME280 sensors I have tried several of them with the projects in module 3 and I can’t get any of the projects to work. I have downloaded the code or just used the sketch in the Lesson Material. The code seems to compile fine but when it’s done the ESP32 little yellow screen, does nothing. Is there some kind of code update or set up that I missed?
The issue is likely related to incorrect wiring of the BME280 sensor. Please double-check the connections.
Another possible issue is that you have a fake BME280 sensors. Take a look at this article and see if you relate: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/solved-could-not-find-a-valid-bme280-sensor/
Sara, you are always wonderfully helpful. It is the sensor (I bought 10 of them) but what I purchased was BMP280 (the no-humidity sensor) not BME280s. Not sure if the code is a lot different but I am certain that this is the problem. Thanks for getting me to look the sensors over more closely.
You just need to use the library for the BMP280 sensor.
It’s also from adafruit. The methods are pretty similar.
Sara, I’m back. The BME280 is working great but when I try to run project 3.3 (Display Sensor Data on a Table) in the Learn LVGL book, I get an error message stating the sketch is too big (102% of memory). The other four sketches in this chapter work great, just 3.3 is an issue.
I assume this is something I’ve done but it is a “Head Scratcher”.
Oops, now I looked through the entire chapter and I see your message on page 207. I’ll make the setting change. Thanks for being ahead of me again.