I’ve encountered these editors so far in my exploration of ESP32, RPi Pico W, Arduino UNO using C and MicroPython:
Mu 1.0.3 (RPi 5), Thonny 4.1.4 (Windows 11), VSCode (Windows 10 & 11).
I have the impression that RNT recommends any of the 3, depending on what language you choose to use and what microcontroller board you choose and what your skill level is.
Am I correct with that impression?
I realize VSCode is for the advanced user (one look at the interface and you’ll want to SCREAM!
That seems to leave the choice of either Mu or Thonny or both!
When using MicroPython on any of the 3 boards I’ve identified here, which editor would you suggest for someone whose skill level is beyond beginner but less than expert?