I had to reset my router as my laptop wouldn’t connect to it and this is an easy fix, however it now won’t allow me to connect to my RPi via PuTTY SSH.
I tried resetting laptop, RPi and router, turning them all back on and waiting 10 minutes, but still no change. I was still getting the error code. I opened up my router settings in browser and can see the device “rasperrypi” is present, but is greyed out and isn’t connected so it seems something changed when I restarted the router.
I have tried connecting using the RPi IP address instead of the name (checked on the devices tab of the router settings, it is being copied correctly) but this didn’t work
I searched on this forum and it had been suggested before that connecting through wifi extenders and ethernet cables can cause problems but neither of these are the case
I have a raspberryPi 4 model B, when it’s turned on I get a solid red and green light, nothing flashes
I have tried to connect via an ethernet cable to the router but this didn’t cause any change.
Is there a way to refresh the server details loaded on to the SD card in the previous modules without undoing all the work I’ve done so far in the course?
When you say it won’t allow you to connect, what happens exactly?
Do you get any error messages?
Yes it’s the error message in the post title
here’s a screenshot, I confirm the details in the screenshot that are located on page 43 of smart home 1.5 match what I am typing out (and was working before I turned my router on and off)
It’s clear that the RPi is having an issue connecting to the network. I haven’t changed any details, is there a way to get into the RPi and check it hasn’t broken itself?
It seems that the Raspberry Pi is not connected to the internet.
Did you have a power outtage? that might have broken the RPi…
You can try to connect a monitor and keyboard to your Raspberry Pi to see what’s going on (if you’ve installed an OS with desktop support). If you can see the desktop RPi, you can manually try to connect it to the internet via the interface.
I disconnected the RPi and inserted the sd card into my laptop to which it said the card was broken and needed formatting, I think I’m just going to start the entire thing again
It’s possible I used a poor quality SD card so I will invest in a better one