Hi; I installed MU1.1.1 and Set up the ESP Firmware to ESP 32, Firmware . So It looks installed. It shows boot in the \”Files on your Device\”. I did your onboard LED, and the Only LED flashing is the yellow LED every .1 sec. I am using a Mouser \”Adafruit HUZZAH32-ESP32.” The pins are different. I can save the file to \”main.py\” and move it into the \”Files on your device\”. I tried the Pushbutton and LED. The pins are in different place but I moved the LED and PB as required. I can use your help. I purchased two of these and both give same result -not working. I am not sure what I am doing wrong? Mc
Can you provide more details about your issue?
Can you successfully upload the pushbutton code? What happens when it runs? Do you get any errors?
When you say it doesn’t work, what happens exactly?
Hi Sara, I decided to use Thonny instead of MU. I got everything set and tried the software from RNT first Module to turn the onboard LED on. It did not light the LED . Since the ESP 32 is from Mouser \”Adafruit HUZZAH32-ESP32.” The pins are different-the document show the LED is using Pin 13 so., I changed the software from pin2 (RNT software) – The onboard LED lite as expected.
BUT, When I tried the next Module, The program ran but the external LED did not light. WHY? the pins are different? I need more time.
Also, How do I stop the program for the LED on the ESP32 to stop? I tried the stop button- it did nothing. I unplugged the board and plugged it back in but it started running again. I could not save the program to the ESP32 since it was running.
How can I load the software to the ESP32 while it is running. Reset does not work either.
Are your ESP32 recently new? I can not believe Adafruit has different pinouts compared to others. All I wanted was to follow Rui ESP32 book and Whiz thru the lessons. I have spent more hours then it is worth.
I can run Arduino UNO, Raspberry Pi 3, Pico ,and Microbit these are easy to set up.
Rui is helping me with the MACBOOK Pro situation-Since a driver is missing. So I decided to use my 8 year old Toshiba which is reliable but EXTREMELY SLOW…… I am not kidding~
Thanks; MC
The ESP32 huzzah has a different pinout/label. You can check the pinout here: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-huzzah32-esp32-feather/pinouts
In the second example, we use GPIO 4 for the pushbutton. Which GPIO are you using on the huzzah? On the huzzah GPIO 4 is labeled as A5.
To upload new code while there is already a code running, you need to press the upload button right after pressing the RST button. If that doesn’t work, you need to load microPython firmware again, and then try to upload new code.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a good IDE to write micropython. And sometimes people get issues installing the software on their computers, which is very difficult to debug. We never had problems installing the IDEs on our computers (both Windows and MAC OS).
This situation is very annoying and I’m sorry that you’re going through this. Nobody deserves to have to work on a slow computer. I would recommend trying to resolve your MAC situation before proceeding so you don’t get frustrated.
While you don’t have your issue resolved, you can also try starting with “Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE” instead. Our readers don’t usually have issues with Arduino IDE.
I’m really sorry for this situation.
P.S. I’m sorry for taking so long to get back to you. For some reason, your response was marked as “private” and I didn’t get a notification of your answer.