I need to have a communication between raspberry and esp32, but the arduino ide in raspberry does not support the esp32 card. Can you tell me how to overcome this problem with an example?
Thank you very much.
P.S. esp32 is a nice card but it is not at the level of a computer as it is raspberry, I need to manage information relating to mysql, telegram bot, and graphical interfaces.
Hello, I’m not sure exactly what you’re looking for to build.
- Do you want to establish a Wi-Fi connection between your ESP32 and Raspberry Pi?
- Or do you want a serial communication?
- What type of information do you plan to exchange between the 2 devices?
Hi Rui,
both if is possible, any kind of information of course, using text
but i have solved with serial
For some applications serial is the best option, but I don’t have any tutorials on that exact subject at the moment…
If you want to exchange data between the ESP32 and Raspberry Pi using Wi-Fi I recommend using MQTT.
In the “Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE Course”, we have a dedicated Units about that exact topic:
- ESP32 MQTT Module (Unit 5 and 6): https://rntlab.com/esp32-with-mqtt-introduction/
In that case, we’re using Node-RED, but you could write some Python code to establish an MQTT communication with the ESP32.