It possible to upload or read back a program you’ve downloaded to an esp32 (or esp8266)?
It would be a useful feature if you’ve got a number of esp’s laying about and lost the info as to what program was loaded in them.
Hi Leo.
If your boards were programmed using MicroPython, you can get access to the files through the IDE (thonny or upycraft).
If the boards were programmed with Arduino IDE, I don’t think it is possible to get the sketch back.
If you want to copy the code to other boards, you can use to get the .bin file and then upload that file to other boards.
If you want to get your sketch in the “original” language, I don’t think that is possible.
Thanks Sara,
I’m using Arduino EDI and I realised after sending in my question that even if I could get it back it would be in binary. As you say it’s not possibleto get the sketch back. I’ll just have be more stringent in my workflow and keep copies of what is loaded in which board. Thanks for your prompt response.
Kind regards,