Hey Rui, I am following your home automation course.I am doing module7 where I have to install ESP8266 in Ardunio and test.I have installed esp8266 in ardunio successfully(I am using ESP8266-01). But while uploading code to ardunio I am getting error as warning: espcomm_sync failederror: espcomm_open failederror: espcomm_upload_mem failed I have selected “Generic ESP8266 Module” in Tools and port as “Ardunio/Genuino Uno” Also I didn’t get how esp8266 fits in home automation because untill now we have done experiments on raspberrypi related to MQTT and Node RED.so actually where ardunio fits in our home automation.I have seen your previous modules but still confused.In Next unit you are saying to connect ESP8266 to Node RED but how to connect.Also whether ardunio or Raspberrypi to connect not clear.Can you please help me. Thanks in advance.