While working with the RNT Tutorial – ESP32: Uploae FIless tp L:ittleFS using Arduino IDE I noted a possible issue with the step to add esp32fs.jar to the Tool folder:
When I had added the step above to include the additinoal tool folder; I then opened the Arduino IDE and the sletch Filesystem_uploader.ino. As directed, I selected Tools, then selected ES32 Sketch Data Upload.
However, I never saw the Filesystem screen with the list if Filesystems below:
I do have those Libraries listed in my Library folder, any idea as to why they don’t appear, instead the sketch immeditantely compiles, uploads and returns Hash of data verified.
I closed the com to the micro and when I returned and powered up the micro only, the Serial Monitor returned the following error message:
19:48:08.157 -> E (103) psram: PSRAM ID read error: 0xffffffff
19:48:08.191 -> Filesystem_uploader.ino
19:48:08.191 -> 02/17/2025
19:48:08.191 -> E (133) esp_littlefs: ./components/esp_littlefs/src/littlefs/lfs.c:1367:error: Corrupted dir pair at {0x0, 0x1}
19:48:08.225 ->
19:48:08.225 -> E (134) esp_littlefs: mount failed, (-84)
19:48:08.225 -> E (138) esp_littlefs: Failed to initialize LittleFS
19:48:08.225 -> An Error has occurred while mounting SPIFFS
Hello Sara, I am working with Arduino IDE Ver: 1.8.12.
I have an older PC that runs WIN 8.1, which can not be upgraded?