Good day. I have been following your corse on the ESP 32 I have enjoyed tinkering with it so far. I would like to do a project using the ESP 32 to send notifications to a cellphone. I found one that uses the ESP 8266. Do you have any projects like that? Basically I would like to set up a motion sensor that would text my phone. Or how interchangeable are the 32 and 8266?
Thank you.
Hello, you can use to create a custom applet using the Maker Webhooks service. Then, if it receives an HTTP request in a URL, it will send a email or smartphone push notification.
Which project did you follow for the ESP8266? It might be almost the exact same code
good day. sorry for the late reply. this is the one I have been working with. I have been having difficulty with it. I think because it is an old code and the libraries don’t match. I think I have it working now. haven’t gotten to test it. Do you have a recommended code?
I didn’t get the Telegram bot to work but after reinstalling older libraries, I did get IFTTT to work.
I’ve been using exclusively direct HTTP POST requests to IFTTT (I don’t use libraries), so it usually works regardless of any changes they make…
I will look into that. the ifttt seems to be working ok. Telegram is not. I can send a message from telegram to the esp 8266, but its not working the other way. I did get an echo bot to work, so I am looking into that. Telegram will be better if I can get it to work both ways. I haven’t seen anything that can be used to control the out put of the esp 8266 from ifttt.
How are you sending the message from Telegram to ESP8266? Can you share how you’re doing it. Exactly, unfortunately you can’t directly control an ESP8266 output or send anything from IFTTT. Thanks
I’m still working on it. Using Echo bot example from the (universaltelegrambot library). There are a few examples on using it to turn on and off an LED. Progress is slow on this project because I can’t connect it to work WiFi.
This is what I have been working on. need a telegram bot
/******************************************************************* * An example of bot that echos back any messages received * * * * written by Giacarlo Bacchio (Gianbacchio on Github) * * adapted by Brian Lough * *******************************************************************/ #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClientSecure.h> #include <UniversalTelegramBot.h> // Initialize Wifi connection to the router char ssid[] = "****"; // your network SSID (name) char password[] = "****"; // your network key // Initialize Telegram BOT #define BOTtoken "*********************************" // your Bot Token (Get from Botfather) WiFiClientSecure client; UniversalTelegramBot bot(BOTtoken, client); int inPut1 = 14; // motion sensor int inputState = 0; // motion sensor int ledPin1 = 5; //output for lights or gate /on /off int Bot_mtbs = 1000; //mean time between scan messages long Bot_lasttime; //last time messages' scan has been done bool inputFlag = HIGH; // flag for input loop to keep it from sending a bunch of text void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode (ledPin1 , OUTPUT); //control something pinMode (inPut1 , INPUT); //send a message // Set WiFi to station mode and disconnect from an AP if it was Previously // connected WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.disconnect(); delay(100); // Attempt to connect to Wifi network: Serial.print("Connecting Wifi: "); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("."); delay(500); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); } void loop() { inputState = digitalRead (inPut1); if (inputState == HIGH && inputFlag == HIGH){ //if motion detected and loop has not run for (int x = 0; x < 1; x++){ //Serial.println ("send text"); bot.sendMessage("841056557", "input1 high", ""); //chat id and message to be sent inputFlag = LOW; //keep loop from running and sending multi text } } if (inputState == LOW && inputFlag == LOW){ //input returns low and loop has run once inputFlag = HIGH; //reset flag after input stops and loop ran once // if (inputState == HIGH && timming event ){ //use to start checking for message after motion detected reduce the traffic on wifi if (millis() > Bot_lasttime + Bot_mtbs) { int numNewMessages = bot.getUpdates(bot.last_message_received + 1); while(numNewMessages) { Serial.println("got response"); for (int i=0; i<numNewMessages; i++) { Serial.print("chat id "); Serial.println(bot.messages[i].chat_id); if (bot.messages[i].text == "/on"){ //CHECK INCOMMING MESSAGE then do // Serial.println("turnn led on"); digitalWrite (ledPin1 , HIGH); bot.sendMessage("841056557", "LED on", "");} if (bot.messages[i].text == "/off"){ //CHECK INCOMMING MESSAGE then do //Serial.println("turnn led off"); digitalWrite (ledPin1 , LOW); bot.sendMessage("841056557", "LED off", "");} if (bot.messages[i].text == "/hello"){ //CHECK INCOMMING MESSAGE then do //Serial.println("turnn led off"); //digitalWrite (ledPin1 , LOW); //play message bot.sendMessage("841056557", "play message", "");} // Serial.print("text "); // Serial.println(bot.messages[i].text); // bot.sendMessage(bot.messages[i].chat_id, bot.messages[i].text, ""); // bot.sendMessage("########", "youwin", ""); //bot.sendMessage ("chat id", "text","") // bot.sendMessage(bot.messages[i].chat_id, "youwin", ""); // bot.sendMessage("############", bot.messages[i].text, ""); } numNewMessages = bot.getUpdates(bot.last_message_received + 1); } Bot_lasttime = millis(); }} }
Have you tried using the official Examples of that library for the ESP32?
I started there. I had the latest version or the Board installed and it wasn’t working. It’s working now. I’m working on making it work for my situation. Send text on motion. Then I can check camera and then turn on a light or open the front gate. It’s going good so far