Hi..I thought I had issues with my SD card but turns out I have an issue that is far more generic than that. Every second time that I connect my ESP32 TTGO board to my PC, the Serial comms does not work. I have added some blinky code so that I can see that the script is running, just no Serial.print() statements result in output to the serial monitor. Unplug the USB and replug and it runs fine. But next time it will not. This behaviour is very consistent and reproduceable and occurs with any script.
The board I am using is a TTGO LoRa V2.1.6.
Maybe I am also seeing the same issue in another situation where occasionally the code upload, following a compile, fails. Then re-compile and it loads fine and runs normally.
I have tried this on my laptop with the same results. I also have a second TTGO LoRa V2.1.6 board that also has this same issue. Does anyone have any ideas I could try? TIA
Hi Ian.
That’s very weird behavior.
Does that happen with other models?
I guess it must be related to the board itself. Do you know what pins does it use to communicate with the SD card?
Maybe it is using the serial pins??
Unfortunately, I don’t have a board like that to experiment with.
Maybe you can try to share your issue in our Facebook group to see if anyone has faced the same issue with that or another board.
Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RandomNerdTutorials
Turns out to be a very simple answer. The issue was not with the ESP32 board at all but was with the ‘Serial Monitor’ not re-connecting to the COM port. I did not have to make any changes to the code, merely to restart the serial monitor each time that I restart the device.
I have it on good authority that this is a USB driver issue.