Using uPyCraft I was able to flash MicroPython and run a few simple scripts (turn on/off leds, pwm, etc) without any issues on a ESP32 DevKit V1. Satisfied with the setup I disconnected the USB interface to my Windows10 PC and went to bed. That was the last time I was able to establish a serial connection to the ESP32.
Nothing I tried would establish a serial connection.
So then I tried using the Tonny ide. Works every time. Can create and download scripts to the ESP32 and run the scripts in standalone mode, use the Python interpreter, etc.
So why can’t I establish a serial interface using uPyCraft?
Hi Michael.
I don’t know why that happens.
Usually, you need to select the port in Tools>Serial every time you want to connect. Sometimes you select the port, you do something on the IDE and it unchecks the port, so it can’t establish a connection. Always select the port before establishing a connection.
Another situation that may cause issues establishing a serial connection is the code that is currently running on the ESP32.
Sometimes the ESP32 is busy running the code, so the uPyCraft can’t establish a connection. This is specially critical when the ESP32 is running a code that includes deep sleep. When this happens, uPyCraft will ask you to burn the firmware again.
This issue can be resolved (sometimes) by pressing the ESP32 RESET button right before pressing the “Connect” button on the IDE.
Thonny IDE doesn’t have those issues trying to connect to the ESP32. That’s why at the moment I prefer this IDE
I hope this helps,