I recently discovered a tutorial for using a SIM900 GPRS/GSM and Arduino for acquiring sensor data via SMS.
I am interested in pursuing this kind of project, but I’m aware you are trying to update the project with 3G technology.
My interest is in using the ESP32 DOIT board with some current SIMnnn module, perhaps the SIM800L?
Is there any way for me to be notified when the updated tutorial is available?
Thanks, Ray
Hi Ray.
The SIM800L is also 2G.
For 3G/4G you can use the SIM7600 that is also compatible with the TinyGSM library: https://github.com/vshymanskyy/TinyGSM (the library we use with our SIM800L examples).
OK. I don’t really know if my phone is on a 2G or 3G network. In the setting, it says the voice network is LTE (whatever that is). My phone is a Samsung Galaxy A10e.
Shall I wait for an updated tutorial (you didn’t say when it would be available) or should I just proceed with the tutorial the way it is currently written and use the SIM900?
Hi again.
What matters is if the network provider of the SIM card will use with the module supports 2G on your location.
For example, I use vodafone and it still supports 2G network in where I live. So, I can use the SIM800L and SIM900.
If that’s the case for you, you can use these modules.
We have several tutorials for the SIM800L:
- https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-sim800l-send-text-messages-sms/
- https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-sim800l-publish-data-to-cloud/
- https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-cloud-mqtt-broker-sim800l/
Otherwise, you’ll need to use something like the SIM7600. We don’t have any tutorials for this module yet. I don’t have the module at the moment to experiment with.
Thanks for this email. My cell service provider is TracFone.
My smart phone is 4G capable and so I probably should ignore anything related to 2G/3G as these networks are either now shut down or will be this year, by most providers.
Therefore, I will need to use, as you say, the SIM7600.
However, I need a tutorial from you guys to get me going.
I can provide a SIM7600 for your tutorial development efforts.
If you provide a link to someone selling the SIM7600, I could order it and have it dropped shipped to your facility.
Let me know if you’re interested in this kind of collaboration and the estimated time for the tutorial completion.
There is no hurry on my part — I have quite a bit to finish with the 2 courses I’m currently enrolled in.
Meanwhile, I’ll be pursuing some of the other tutorials as well as finishing “Learn ESP32” and “Build Web Servers”.
In “Learn ESP32”, I’m done with Modules 1-8 and now will be starting the Projects 1-4 and then the “Extra Units”.
In “Build Web Servers”, I’m done with Modules 0-2 and Module 3 (Units 1.1 – 3.2). I’ll be doing the rest of Module 3 and then the Extra Units.
There’s no need for you to send the sensor.
We can get the sensor ourselves. But thanks for the offer 🙂
We’ll be out of the office during the next two weeks.
We’ll order the module when we arrive, and then create a tutorial when I have the time. I cannot promise any timeline. But, I hope I can test it soon.
Many other readers have also asked for tutorials about that sensor.