Have been trying to get this module to work for two weeks and I am stuck! Objective is to turn on / off led on ESP8266 using node-red dashboard.
The gauges read the bme sensor and dashboard graphs have valid data so publish mqtt is working.
Arduino Serial Console says “Publishing on topic esp/bme280/temperature at QoS 1, packetId: 0Message: 25.69” but there is no message showing successful subscription.
Mosquitto receives esp/digital/5 true and false but ESP never acknowledges the subscription.
ESP_subscribe.ino has MQTT_SUB_DIGITAL set to “esp/digital/#”
I get no status (Serial.print) from onMqttConnect; onMqttDisconnect; onMqttSubscribe; onMQttUnsubscribe; onMQttMessage, etc.
Should I start by debugging “mqttClient.onSubscribe(onMqttSubscribe)” in setup()?
Any help appreciated