Recentlyi succeeded to drive ESP8266 Node MCU web server. stepper motor via motor driver ULN2003 but now i am tryng to do it with Stepper driver A4988 because i have only 4 wires in my stepper motor. I wish to ask if it is possible to covert the program that is run with Stepper Driver A4988?
Have you taken a look at this: https://forum.arduino.cc/t/change-a4988-board-code-to-uln2003-board-code-in-a-sketch/439943/6 ?
Hi Sara,
What i meant that i wish to replace ULN2003 to A4988 step motor driver. This link is just opposite to my quetion?
The problem is refer to this tutorial ” ESP8266 NodeMCU Web Server: Stepper Motor (WebSocket) | Random Nerd Tutorials ” . May be you have an example to using ESP8266 with A4988 stepmotor driver.
Thanks for your reply.
Kind regards
I’m sorry I misunderstood your question.
We don’t have any examples for that motor driver. But, it seems easy to control. Take a look at the example in this tutorial: https://howtomechatronics.com/tutorials/arduino/how-to-control-stepper-motor-with-a4988-driver-and-arduino/
First, try to control your motor using that basic example. After making sure it is working as expected, you can use the web server example, but you need to replace the lines of code that control the Stepper motor via ULN2003 with the ones for the A4988 Stepper.
Alternatively, it seems that the AccellStepper library is also compatible with that driver http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/AccelStepper/( but I haven’t tested it).
To initialize the motor, you would use:
// Creates an instance AccelStepper stepper(motorInterfaceType, stepPin, dirPin);
The motorInterfaceType is 1, and the stepPin and dirPin depend on how you wire the motor. Then, you can use the same code we use in the tutorial.
I hope this is not confusing.
The problem is solved! Just remove pins difintions of previce code of ULN2003
and add this code instaed for A4988 stepper motor driver.
#include <AccelStepper.h>
const int stepPin = 0; //GPIO0—D3 of Nodemcu–Step of stepper motor driver
const int directionPin = 2; //GPIO2—D4 of Nodemcu–Direction of stepper motor driver
AccelStepper stepper(AccelStepper::DRIVER, stepPin, directionPin);
It will work!