Has there been any thought to providing an example of using the ESP32 to communicate with the very popular Synology Surveillance Station through its WebAPI? For example, IOT, alarm, or other events detected by the ESP32 could be sent to Surveillance station to trigger an alert through their very nice mobile app. Has anyone done this? I found the WebAPI documentation to be a little obscure in places and an example would be most welcome to get me started.
Unfortunately, I never used that service.
What do you mean by “obscure”? Don’t they provide an API documentation?
Thanks for your reply, Sara. They do provide a document, but it is at a level appropriate for experienced app developers. They assume some understanding that I don’t have yet…but I will figure it out! I just thought there may be other people who would be interested in some help with this also. It is one of the most popular video surveillance applications, and runs on Synology’s NAS devices, as well as NVR’s with AI functionality.
You may find useful to know how to make HTTPS requests to use the API. We have the following tutorial: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-https-requests/