The CYD modul is an ESP32_S3 + TFT Display 240 x 370. The display can be programed wit the TFT-eSPI library,whereas the XPT2046 library handles the Touchscreen. An SD card is also included. The different blocks communicate with various protocols, parallel or SPI to write on the display, SPI or i2C for the other blocks. Nerd Tutorial has published several examples to explore the diverse fearures of this interesting device. And they all work without any problem mainly because a separate driver and librray (and separate SPI channel) is used for the touchscreen.
The TFT-eSPI libraray has included a Touch-extension which I could not bring into operation. To use it would have the advantage to operate the touchscreen without using the XPT2046 driver. Wether the SPI would be fast enough, to serve the Display, the Touchscreen and the SD-Card woud have to be explored.
My question is, wether anyone has successfully tried to program the touch-extension of the TFT-eSPI library. If YES, I would apreciate some information on how to do.
We have successfully used the touchscreen, display and microSD card. We’ll include that example in the LVGL eBook soon.
Tankyou for your answer.
Just to make sure: In all your examples, which I found, you used the XPT2046_touchscreen library (Paul Stoffregen) parallel to TFT-eSPI libraray (Bodmer) for Display. Bodmer also has included Extensions for touchscreen and my question is about using those.
Do you say, that your new examlple will concentrate only on the TFT-eSPI librray using their extensions?
Kind regards fromPeter
No, in the new MicroSD Card examples we’ll be using the same LVGL library and TFT_eSPI… However, we’ll be making a small change to the XPT2046_touchscreen library in order to use SoftSPI, so we can run 3 SPI devices at once (display, touchscreen, microSD card reader).