I recently bought the ESP32-CAM ebook. I have a white TTGO-Camera board. The book describes that the TTGO- camera board has a Grove connector. This is not correct. The grove connector is smaller, only has 4 pins and the pins are thinner.
So does anyone know what type of connector is on the white TTGO-Camera board?
Any help much appreciated.
You’re right. We need to fix that in the eBook.
I think you can call that a “JST connector with 5 pins”, but I don’t know the exact dimensions.
A couple of us searched and this is what we found for my TTGO T-Camera. It is made by: LilyGo, who makes the camera. I assume yours is going to be the same
TTGO T-Camera ESP32 WROVER & PSRAM Camera Module Data Cable
Product Description: This cable is specially equipped with TTGO T-Camera ESP32 WROVER & PSRAM Camera Module ESP32-WROVER-B OV2640 Camera Module 0.96 OLED.
Type: 5V GND 3V3 IO22 IO21
I have not gotten mine yet, but we think this is it. There is a $2 New user coupon, so I plan to order 10 just because I can, and in case I want to make other projects.
10 cents each with Shipping: US $5.58 to United States via AliExpress Standard Shipping Estimated Delivery on Nov 16
Hope this helps.
Paul Wheeler @ cox.net