I have created the index.html as discussed in HTML and CSS basics. I can not see how to drag this to a new tab? nothing seems to work
Hi Mark, can you double-check that you’ve saved your file with the extension .html in Atom (see screenshot below)?
Instead of dragging the file to your browser, you can also right-click the file and select “Open with Chrome” to view the HTML file in your browser.
Note: You can skip that Unit/Section and only worry about the code that you actually upload to the ESP32. That HMTL section is dedicated to explain how a web page is generated, but you can skip that section and continue with the course. You should also keep in mind that clicking the buttons will not control the ESP32.
Regards, Rui
Hi Rui,
Thanks so much. You were correct. I was able to double click the file to get it to open. I am still having trouble correctly creating the hyperlinks and i am ken to learn to do this properly. I know I can just go to the completed code but would like to have the knowledge to do the lot.
Will keep at it.
Thanks again
Hi Mark, You’re welcome! I understand that and unlike my other tutorials, I’ve tried to cover a bit of HTML.
However, learning HTML could be a full course alone, because there are many different concepts. I recommend taking a look at this website: https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp