I have a problem because I need to control a 0-10V input voltage ventilator but the PWM output of my ESP32 only goes from 0-3.3V.
Is there any module that allows me to step up from 3.3V to 10V in order to handle it?
Thank you.
You need to use a transistor. The transistor will control the 10V output via PWM.
You need to know the current needed to control the ventilator. The transistor should be able to handle a bit more than the current needed and a bit more than 10V.
We have an example that shows how to control 12V LED strips via PWM. Y
ou can take a look at the example to see how the circuit works, but choose an appropriate transistor for your case: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-esp8266-rgb-led-strip-web-server/
I hope this helps.