Good morning Rui.
I have a small malfunction in “Unit 8 – ESP32 Web Server – Display Sensor Readings”
1) The BME280 is correctly connected
2) Both port and board are selected
3) When executing the sketch it appears:
Could not find a valid BME280 sensor, check wiring, address, sensor ID!
SensorID was: 0xFF
ID of 0xFF probably means a bad address, a BMP 180 or BMP 085
ID of 0x56-0x58 represents BMP 280,
ID of 0x60 represents BME 280.
ID of 0x61 represents BME 680.
4) BME280 wiring is ok
5) Using the sketch “SCAN I2C” I have found out the address of the BME280 = “I2C device found at address 0x76”. This also means that the ESP32 is detecting it.
I imagine that I will have to indicate the direction of my BME280 so that the sketch of this unit can work, but I do not know where it is done.
Thank you very much for your help.
A cordial greeting.
Did that sensor worked before with other BME280 examples? Or is this the first time you’re trying the sensor?
Are you sure you don’t have a BMP180 or other sensor? Those sensors are very similar.
How does your sensor look like?
Hi Sara.
Thanks for answering.
It is the first time that I use that sensor, I am following the examples in the manual about ESP32.
I have found out that it is the BMP280, rather than the BME280, which is possibly why it doesn’t work.
Thank you
In that case, you need to use a proper library for that sensor.
I recommend using this library:
Try the example sketch and see if it works:
Then, you need to adjust the projects that use the BME280 to use the BMP280 instead.
Can you figure it out, or do you need help?
Thank you very much Sara for your great help.
Indeed that was the problem, buy the BMP280 instead of the BME280. Now it works.
A cordial greeting.