Hello everyone,
I haven’t “worked” for a few months.
Bad surprise: I can no longer upload sketches on nano boards (v 1.8.19 and 2.3.4)
However, uploading works with Arduino boards (Arduino port 8)
I work under Windows 10
Antivirus: Bitdefender. Disabling the firewall doesn’t change anything.
Error message: avrdude: ser_open(): can’t set com-state for “\\.\COM4” (same with 5 or 6)
Error while defining serial port parameters: 115 200 N 8 1
I reinstalled the ports without success
Same failure with the 8266
On the other hand, the ESP32s upload (port 7)
So it’s apparently software …
I thank you in advance for your help and advice and wish you an excellent end of the year
Did Windows recognize the COM port and the IDE displayed it as a port? If not, it is a driver problem. It appears that the COM port has been recognized.
So I assume that when you upload, you get a “failure to connect message”?
If so, this is a common problem with newer ESP32S and ESP32-S3. This problem is when the RST (EN) pin and the BOOT pin have to be triggered in a very timely sequence, which is manually not possible.
Take a 10 K resistor and a 10 uF or larger capacitor and solder them in parallel. Connect the positive side to the RST (EN) pin, and GND the negative side. This has provided me automatic upload on several development boards.
If this hack does not work, then eliminate the resistor and modify just using the 10 uF capacitor. Hope this helps.
Merry Christmas and Happy new Year!
What nano boards are you using?
Can you provide more details?
Today I was having an issue with uploading the code due to some error on the USB ports.
Restarting the computer seemed to have resolved the issue. I know it seems weird, but have you tried restarting your computer?
I also found this on the Arduino page: https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/13148652511260-avrdude-ser-open-can-t-set-com-state-for-COMn
Seems similar to your problem.
Hello all,
Thanks for your answers.
For Bernie’s info
Strangely, the only boards without problems were the ESP32
My nano boards (oldBootloader with USB mini) sometimes uploaded .
Part of the error message being
“Error while defining serial port parameters: 115 200 N 8 1”, I went to check in the device manager. The port used was set to 9600. By setting it to 115200, it worked with the nano boards.
But uploads impossible with ESP8266 🙁
Sara gave me the solution: reinstall the CH340 driver by following the procedure “
I also found this on the Arduino page: https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/13148652511260-avrdude-ser-open-can-t-set-com-state-for-COMn
Seems similar to your problem.”
So, download, install, configure the port on 115200 and restart the computer and IT WORKS !!!!
Thanks and shame on the rotten “improvements and updates”
Happy New Year to you all
Thanks for the info Marc. I managed to get all my variety of ESP32s to bootload now, except for the S2. The S2 and the S3 do not use an external USB-UART bridge chip, as they have this functionality native. Managed to bootload the S3. But not the S2. If you have had an ESP32 S2 Devkit loading, please let me know.
Does Espressif have a Driver for the S2? W11 does not even recognize the COM port.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any ESP32 S2 to experiment with.
Maybe this discussion may be helpful. https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif32/issues/591 ?