I just downloaded your Micropython course. By some lucky chance i tried NodeMCU board first and everything was working.
But then i tried to use Adafruit Huzza or WROOM02 for esp8266, but flashing failed. I use Adafruit USB to serial adapter cable.
When I open Com19 in uPyCraft GUI , i get error “open serial error, please try again.” However i can still access Tools -> Serial -> COM19 and get Burn menu.
After i “choose” Firmware, i hold down GPIO0 button on Huzza and press OK in uPyCraft. After a few seconds i get a pop up message error “erase false”.
After that if i try Tools -> Serial , i get an error: “could not open port ‘COM19’: PermissionError(13, ‘Access is denied.’, None, 5)”.. The the only way to get rid of the error message is to restart uPyCraft.
Are there any special steps for Huzza and uPyCraft?
When that happens, we recommend unplug, and plug back your ESP board. Then, double-check that you’ve selected the right serial port in the Tools > Serial menu. Then, click the “Connect/disconnect” button to establish a serial communication. After that, you should be able to upload a new script or re-run new code.
That error might also mean that you have your serial port being used in another program (like a serial terminal or in the Arduino IDE). Double-check that you’ve closed all the programs that might be establishing a serial communication with your ESP board. Then, unplug and plug back your ESP board.
Finally, you can also try to restart the uPyCraft IDE.
If none of these procedures work and you continue with that annoying error, I recommend trying Thonny IDE. We have a special module at the end of the book dedicated to Thonny IDE. This IDE usually connects to the board automatically, and you are less likely to get communication errors.
Let me know if any of these solutions solved your problem and how you’re doing.
I haven’t tested these procedures on Huzzah, but I think they should work.