I want to use ESP32 as a remote method of changing settings in one of my projects.
The project will connect to ESP32 via serial UART.
Can I have the ESP set up as a web server so I simply connect by selecting the connection in my wifi settings on phone, be presented with a web page and make changes as required then disconnect. The ESP32 then saves the changes via UART to my project?
Hi David.
So, do you want to set your ESP32 as an access point?
We have a tutorial about that: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-access-point-ap-web-server/
Let me know if this is what you are looking for.
The system gets installed onto many vehicles. I want to be able to make changes to settings in the system on any vehicle using mobile phone. The person using the phone will always be within 10m of the vehicle when they make changes.
Hi again.
You can try WiFi Manager, it allows you to enter ssid and password and custom parameters. It should work on ESP32 and ESP8266 (I think it should work, but it is still in development).
You can learn more about that below:
Take a look at the examples and see if you find what you are looking for.
We also have a tutorial about that (but it is with an older version just for ESP8266). Here is the link, in case it is useful:
I hope this helps.
Sara 🙂