Anyone has a link for a tutorial how to set up the tool chain for Eclipse? (Using the esp2-wroom)
Hello Lars, why do you prefer to use Eclipse?
in my opinion the best option to program ESP32 boards:
- VS Code (Visual Studio Code)
- PlatformIO IDE
- Then, you can install the ESP32 boards and Arduino core
All my code or projects with Arduino IDE work in VS code. I don’t show that additional step, because I don’t want to make it confusing and having people choosing between those two options. It’s easier to give support and explain in a single programming environment.
In my day-to-day use, I actually use VS Code and PlatformIO IDE.
Hello Rui,
Honest, I don’t favor Eclipse in particular. I just have used Arduino IDE to ‘get a hole through’, mainly because you were using it in your examples 😉
I am a hardware/software person whereas I never was much of a tool chain guy: Things should work out of the box or have a ready to use step by step instructions.
So which one of the two would you recommend (and why do you alternate between the two)?
Thanks for a set of very comprehensive videos, by the way. Surely it is worth the subscription!
Hello again! I think you should get started with the Arduino IDE to avoid get started with too many new things at once. When you’re comfortable programming your boards, I would upgrade to:
- VSCode:
- Install PlaformIO IDE (extension):
Then, you’ll have the option to install the ESP32 or ESP8266 boards to program them. I definitely need to write something on that subject, but their documentation is updated and with everything that you need:
- ESP32 (Espressif 32):
- ESP8266 (Espressif 8266):
I hope that helps! Regards,
Hello again,
I’ve just got the VSCode and Platform IO up and running. Works like a charm. I must say: So MUCH easier than Arduino IDE where I reallly REALLY missed any kind of IntelliSense.
I tried in on your ‘ESP32 Web Server’ example: Once I figured out that I need to install ESP-IDF again, this time explicitly as a Platform IO extension, it worked out of the box. (For some reason it didn’t work in my settings with Chrome, but flawlessly with good old IExplorer.)
Thanks for pointing me to the a better set of tools!
Best regards,