I could not get my own webserver project to run, so I went back to the ESP Webserver tutorial notes and tried to run “3.1 Webserver: Display Sensor Readings (SSE)”, loading it directly from the course notes (page 377). With the ESP32 set up with the BME280 as instructed, VScode compiled and uploaded successfully and the monitor displayed:
“Connecting to WiFi …..
SPIFFS mounted successfully”.
However, when attempting to load this web-page onto my android mobile, it said:
“This page can’t be found.
No web page was found for http//”.
Thinking that there must be a fault on the mobile I compiled and ran the earlier project:
“1.1 – Hello World Web Server on page 158”
This too compiled and uploaded successfully, giving the same website address ( but this time the mobile loaded and displayed the requested “Hello World” data.
Why does the mobile not accept this webpage from “Display Sensor Readings (SSE)”?
You probably forgot to upload the web server files to the board. You’re probably missing that step.
Search for “Uploading Filesystem Image”.
Let me know if this solves your problem.
Thank you for your help. You were correct in thinking that I had forgotten about the “Build File System” instructions, once I had included this action, I had no further problems about getting the mobile to load the URL.