For Async Web Server – Control Outputs project, is it possible use Arduino IDE 2.3.4? I am getting errors. With Arduino IDE 1.8.19, there is no issue. Please comment.
Sara: Thanks for replying. Sorry for the delay. When using Arduino IDE 2.3.4, in serial monitor, I see error as “assert failed: tcp_alloc /IDF/components/lwip/lwip/src/core/tcp.c:1851 (Required to lock TCPIP core functionality!)”.
then I see “Connecting to WiFi..” scrolling down without connecting.
I am using the libraries and sketch from the same post
ESP32 Async Web Server – Control Outputs with Arduino IDE (ESPAsyncWebServer library)
Any help?
Thank you
I created an entry with the solution for that issue.
You can check it out on the link below: