Hi, nice tutorials so far.
I want to know if there is a way of changing WiFi connections credentials without reprogramming the esp. I’ve seen an implementation where I think the esp works in stand alone mode if no configuration for WiFi connection are found on eeprom or if the user wants to change those variables. Then it presents a different web server giving the ability to change or create those variables if it is the first time, a drop down to select ssid and a text field for password. Once connection is up, it works with the normal web server.
Can you recommend some tutorial to do that? Are you planning on writing something yourself?
thanks in advance.
Hi Matt,
I definitely need to write a project about that in the future, but right now I only have a guide about that subject for the ESP8266: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/wifimanager-with-esp8266-autoconnect-custom-parameter-and-manage-your-ssid-and-password/
With that example, you can set the passwords for new networks.