Hello, can you explain what it means “isr safe print statement ets_printf()”? I used this statement (posted in the comments) to fix my ESP32 in the following program from having a fatal error. It works great but I can’t seem to find any info on it. https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-pir-motion-sensor-interrupts-timers/
I don’t know much about it in detail.
Basically, it is a safe way to print stuff to the serial monitor without interfering with interrupts.
“printf() uses the FreeRTOS functions which are not available inside the ISR
ets_printf() interacts directly with the uart”
I didn’t find more information about it.
🙂 Thanks for the response! Same here! I guess I will just take it that it “works!” LOL 🙂
🙂 Thanks for the response! Same here! I guess I will just take it that it “works!” LOL 🙂